
Popcorn Day 2

Today I jet had to finish off putting the mood boards together. One that was done I then went on to start a new brief. This was to design a 'proposition logo' for right guard. This was to give the client - Mason Williams, an idea of how Popcorn would design for them and what they could do i.e. how they would take the logo and manipulate it to stand out. The client wanted something that mimicked festival logo's and rock band logo's.

For this I had to do a minimal amount of research and then crack on sketching some ideas. 
Here are some examples of the research and some of my initial sketches. 

I learn't a lot about the process of designing through this eg. sketches - how minimal they had to be. Research relevance. Range. This has really helped me with the process of my working method. When speaking to Patt about the sketching technique, he said that the best sketches are the vague sketches because they still leave them open to imagination so by coming back to them you may see something different. This is a really interesting thought. 

Here are the examples of the mood boards that i put together. I was told to overlay the images and cram on the boards as much as possible to as to help when it came to idea generation later. The boards are used for inspiration, so it's important to keep them all as full as possible. 

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